300 caches listed (300 total) | average Difficulty: 3.1 | Terrain: 2.3 | total Finds: 17037 | DNFs: 150 | Favs: 702
180 geocachers listed (180 total) | Listed Finds: 16680 | Hides: 0 | DNFs: 71
Vertical sorting: by Sum of Finds, in case of equal sums: Alphabetical
Horizontal sorting: by As per GSAK, Ascending
Display Limitation for geocachers with a minimum of 10 found Caches
Explanation of stats:
Favs: Favorite points received
Days/F: average days between the finds of a cache
Last F: days since the last find of a cache
Percent value: percent of finds on all listed caches
bar graph: compares the number of finds of a cacher to those of the Top-Cacher
4-number-stat of a Cacher: sum of finds and hides nb. of finds - nb. of hides - nb. of DNFs